Develop These 5 Morning Habits for Better Skin

Most people don’t take skincare seriously and only regret that when the damage is irreversible. But nurturing our skin and overall health is a way to appreciate our bodies and make sure we look our best, to feel fresh and young, and to preserve what nature has given us for as long as we can.

Skincare matters because any issue related to our skin is a sign of something worse happening inside our organism such as hormonal imbalance. It’s also our biggest organ and always either growing new cells or repairing old ones.

A healthy skin will not only look great and make you more confident, but will protect you from the sun and produce vitamin D when exposed to it. It has many important functions such as keeping viruses away, preventing dehydration, and keeping the body temperature in balance.

Knowing that, it’s our job to take care of it and that needs to happen on a daily basis. Experts suggest creating a short but powerful beauty routine that you will follow daily. Usually, the best time for that is the morning. You don’t need to make big changes to your lifestyle, you simply need to fit it into your already existing morning routine.

That could be right after leaving bed, before taking a shower, while brushing your teeth, or else. This will be a good way to perform it daily as the other habit is already ingrained.

Before you create your morning ritual for a better skin, it’s important to understand what your skin type is and whether or not you should be careful about something in particular.

Also, when using a new product, even if it’s clinically tested and proven to show amazing results like reversing the signs of aging in 4 weeks such as True Results Retinol Active Skincare, you should give your skin time to get used to it. That can happen by applying a small dose once and waiting 2 days to see how your skin reacts. Then, you can make it a habit and let your skin glow.

Here are 5 great morning habits you should develop that will make your skin glow and let it keep bacteria away from your body:


While some people don’t do this at all, others overdo it. But aside from choosing the right cleanser, you also need to create a routine and stick to it.

What works best for almost any skin type is doing it once in the morning. That would be enough for the whole day.


Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin and should be done around 2 times per week. Choose a product that’s gentle.


Whether your skin is dry or oily, it will need the help of a moisturizer. Choose a light one that balances the water level of your skin and do this daily. You can try out the facial moisturizer by True Results that provides intense hydration, is fragrance-free and has ingredients that fight wrinkles.

Apply a retinol cream.

Last but not least, don’t forget to use a product with retinol like Retinol Active Skincare by True Results before you go out. It will boost collagen production, make skin tone even, fight acne, reduce pigmentation and age spots.

Protect your skin from the sun.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is neglecting the damage the sun causes during the day, even if they aren’t directly exposed to it. It’s one of the most negative factors and sun protection is how you can prevent the signs of aging and damaged skin cells early on.

While True Results offers Sunblock SPF 50, you might want to check out our Age-Reverse Starter Kit that’s the ultimate solution to a younger and smooth skin. It includes a facial cleanser, retinol night cream, and sunscreen.

You don’t have to start a morning routine like that all at once. Begin with one simple habit for a better skin, such as cleansing it on a daily basis right after you wake up.
